Friday, June 21, 2013

DIY Hand Soap / Body Wash / Shaving Soap

I've been making this soap, in different variations, for the last year.  I've finally settled on the way I best like to make it.  It contains only 2 or 3 ingredients, depending on what scent I make it.  I love this stuff because it's simple to make, versatile, economical, and free of chemicals.  I think essential oils smell so much better than chemical scents.  They are also more safe.  


3/4 cups Water, boiled then cooled
1/4 cup Dr. Bronners castile soap
Essential oil
Empty foaming soap dispenser

I like to use my glass measuring cup to make this.  I fill it with 3/4 cup of water, then gently pour the soap to the 1 cup line.  Then I add essential oils, if I'm using them, and gently stir.  Last, I pour the mixture into a well cleaned foaming soap dispenser.  

For hand soap, I usually use peppermint Dr. Bronners with 5 or 6 drops of peppermint essential oil.  For body wash, I use peppermint Dr. Bronners and water only.  I also make an unscented body wash with baby mild Dr. Bronners and water only.  

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